
Abbey Quay

The new heart
of Barking

How does a place bring people together? Urban regeneration can bring great opportunity but also difficult questions. How do we realise the site’s full potential? What qualities should it stand for? Who will call this place home? We helped Weston Homes find the answers and make their new development in Barking a central part of East London’s transformation story.

We identified the vision for Abbey Quay as ‘the new heart of Barking’ – welcoming, generous, and energising. This strategic foundation guided everything we delivered, from naming to marketing to sales collateral.

We created a distinct visual identity to match Abbey Quay’s transformative energy. Inspired by the River Roding, the monogram can be endlessly reinterpreted to bring the brand to life across different touchpoints. From photography to social media campaigns, we put people front and centre to showcase what makes Abbey Quay stand out – its community.

A place brand that confidently sets the tone for East London’s regeneration efforts.


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